
"In Flux: Eight Japanese Artists in the Aftermath of 3/11" article now in print [展覧会]

The curatorial article, "In Flux: Eight Japanese Artists in the Aftermath of 3/11," which I compiled and translated for the Ruin issue of WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly 39: 3&4 (Fall/Winter 2011) is now available. (pp. 318-328)
Published by the Feminist Press at the City University of New York, USA. WSQ is an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of emerging perspectives on women, gender, and sexuality since 1972. I am honored to take part in this journal. The eight artists I invited have offered their artistic responses to the disasters--earthquake, tsunami and the following nuclear crisis--in an open and creative manner. (These are not documentaries nor messages, but artistic responses.)
The artists are: Asumiko Nakamura and Yûri Eda, Hiroki Iwasa, Akira the Hustler, Ebine Yamaji, Tomoko Fukushi, BuBu de la Madeleine and Sohei Yamada.

. For more information, visit

It seems that you can order a copy online. (The online shopping at WSQ website wasn't working, but a friend has let me know that the issue in question can be ordered at
Also, I am assuming that many libraries subscribe to WSQ, both the paper and electronic versions, especially in the English-speaking countries.

(Japanese version of this article will be available in the near future. この記事の日本語版が近々、出る予定です。決定次第、情報をこちらでお伝えします)
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